Chocolate Makes Everything Better!

By Rick Roman - 30 Sep 2019
Chocolate Makes Everything Better!

Everyone knows that chocolate makes everything better!

At, you can now purchase one share of Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory stock for the chocolate lover in your life.

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory is based in the town of Durango, located on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains in southwestern Colorado. The company’s number one factor is the quality of their products. The candy maker’s chocolate beat out See’s Candies, Perugina, Teuscher, Godiva and Fanny May for the “richest chocolate, with intense natural flavor.” Their stores are known for unique in-store candy demonstrations like spinning skewered apples in hot caramel, smelling caramel bubbling in a traditional copper kettle on a gas-fired stove, or watching fudge being made before their eyes. Each trip to their stores is a unique experience you will remember. Learn more about Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.

Purchase this new stock for that special someone with a sweet tooth just in time for Christmas! Don’t just buy them a box of chocolates, give them ownership in the company instead!


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