Bosses Day Gift – For the Coffee Addict

By Rick Roman - 21 Sep 2010
Bosses Day Gift – For the Coffee Addict

Last year we received an email from Marci T. in Tampa Florida.

She and her team were having trouble coming up with a Boss's Day gift and stumbled across our website.

Marci was kind enough to send us an email:  “I was searching on the web for a National Boss's Day gift and ended up on your Starbucks stock page –  I knew this was it. Our boss is a coffee addict and hits our local Starbucks twice a day religiously! Everyone pitched in and I wanted to let you know it was a hit…”

Just a reminder that October 16th is National Boss's Day. We offer over 100 famous companies so it is easy to find one that satisfies your boss’ passion. Other Boss's Day favorites in the past have been Callaway Golf, Coke, Harley, and Coach.

P.S. The image shown is not really Marci’s bosssmiley.

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