I coined a new word for Merriam-Webster to add that is based on one of 2012’s most talked-about events.
The word is “fipo” (pronounced FI-PO, not like hippo with an “f”).
Derived from the combination of “Facebook” and “IPO”, here’s the definition I propose:
“A phenomenon that occurs every few years where millions of people and the media, most with absolutely no knowledge of the stock market, work themselves into a frenzy and want a piece of the action”.
The last time “fipo” happened was the dot-com bubble back in the 1990′s. A lot of novices and even pros got hurt when the bubble burst in 2000. The lesson is that people need to keep their expectations in check and educate themselves.
We at GiveAshare.com are big proponents of financial literacy, especially for kids. We want to take advantage of “fipo” to accomplish something good, so we will have a series of simple and short posts that will cover stock market basics as it relates to the Facebook IPO. Stay tuned!
As mentioned in the last Facebook post, we are getting a lot of calls/emails asking if we will be adding Facebook stock to our stock list. The answer is yes! For more information and to get notified about any significant developments, sign up for our Facebook IPO Notification List.
UPDATE: Facebook is now called Meta. You can buy your own share of Meta.
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